Aspirational projects
All of the projects below have been identified as valuable and desirable for the Fisherrow waterfront during consultations with residents and local groups. However our attempts to progress them are limited by (or dependent on) permission from the council and the impact of the currently unknown flood defence design plans. Both of these are out of our hands, but when possible, we will move these forward as we agree that they would benefit the Fisherrow seafront - if you can help, get in touch (details on the Seafront home page).
Fully pedestrianised prom from the River Esk to Fisherrow harbour (removing barriers)
Themed walks with ELC countryside wardens
Bigger & better litter bins
Outdoor exercise facilities
Beach wheelchairs
Improved prom lighting
Expanded children’s play area
Bird watching telescopes
Night sky watching info sites
Mussel bed monitoring project
Drinking water fountain
Consultation on suitable commemoration of "The Triangle"