Welcome to the Fisherrow Waterfront Action Group!
Who are we?
We are a subgroup of the Fisherrow Harbour & Seafront Association, run entirely by volunteers, building on the great work started by the Fisherrow Waterfront Group which operated as an independent charity from 2013 to 2021.
We are focussed on taking action to look after and develop the Fisherrow waterfront.
What do we do?
All our work has to fit within the management agreement that FHSA have with East Lothian Council. There are other big organisations whose activities have a huge influence on our waterfront including Scottish Water and the Musselburgh Flood Protection Scheme, so we can’t always make the things we would like to happen, happen.
We are all volunteers with jobs, families and other demands on our time but we meet every month to try and keep making progress. We are currently working on several areas which are important to the people of Fisherrow. Click on the links to the left for more information on what we’re doing to care for our local outdoor space.
How can you get involved?
If you would like to join us or tell us your ideas about how to develop the Fisherrow waterfront please get in touch by email or through our Facebook page.